美泰是一家提供全方位服务的律所,代表客户处理多种交易,领域包括并购、国际和国内资本市场、银行、金融和衍生品、公司和商业诉讼、技术许可、高科技、能源和基础设施、房地产、反垄断、税务和其他监管事宜。美泰曾代表客户处理以色列最大的公司交易、金融交易和国际公开募股,并代表一些世界领先的公司和银行处理公司和集体诉讼。美泰在国际独立法律指南(如钱伯斯法律指南和 Legal 500)以及以色列本国法律指南(如 Dun’s 100 和 BDI)中,一直以来保持最高排名。
美泰律所拥有由 480 多名律师和 102 名实习律师组成的强大律师团队,各团队成员都致力于为客户提供高标准的卓越服务。
Meitar’s China Practice – 美泰中国业务
我们在代表中国投资者与以色列公司间的投资、并购、成立合资企业及其他商业协议,以及代表以色列公司和中国公司进行商业交易有独特的经验和见解 。
Yoav Sade律师是我所中国业务的负责人。Yoav是中国和以色列跨境交易知名且受欢迎的顾问和讲师。 Yoav 也担任以色列中国——香港商会副主席。
Pengyuan Hu女士是美泰律师事务所中国业务部的团队成员,她具有中华人民共和国法律职业资格。她协助团队为中以企业之间的并购、投资和建立合资企业等许多交易提供法律服务。她对中以的法律环境和商业文化都非常了解。
- 代表在微创外科手术及眼科方面的全球领导者——Lumenis公司,Lumenis公司被中国私募基金 XIO集团收购,收购价格约为5.1亿美元。
- 代表在中国拥有3000余家医院的上海九川投资集团对SHL远程医疗有限公司进行收购。SHL公司研发和销售个人远程医疗设备及提供医疗电话呼叫中心服务。
- 代表美国专门投资生命科学科技的风险资本公司Domain Elite对在以色列研发和制造创新胃肠镜产品的SMART医疗系统公司和其香港子公司Medico进行股权投资。 此交易被2014年中国《商法》杂志评为“2014年度交易”。
- 代表中国的互联网企业——百度在多家以色列初创企业中进行股权投资。
- 代表中国主要的建筑产品大规模国际制造商和安装商——远大集团对以色列高科技公司进行控制权股权收购。
- 代表以色列数据处理和分析行业的Ironsource 有限公司从中国主要金融机构得到股权投资。
- 代表天安保险集团、JT资本集团,一家中国的财团和香港投资者在对以色列最大的保险公司Clal保险集团的控制权收购中竞标。
- 代表中国的金融服务公司——中国光大在以色列医疗设备公司Real Imaging中进行股权投资。
- 代表中国最大的管理咨询和私募投资咨询公司——盛景网联对多家以色列高科技企业进行投资。
- 代表一家大众投资互联网企业——eToro接受中国平安保险的股权投资。
- 代表一家中国主要国有企业在以色列主要风险资本基金中投资。
- 代表中国投资者建立由以色列共同普通合伙人管理的风险投资基金。
Sade, Yoav
972 3 610 3165
Hu, Pengyuan
972 3 610 3610

Chambers and Partners
Meitar is ranked by Chambers & Partners for 2021 in Band 1 in 8 practice areas: Corporate/ M&A, Dispute Resolution, Capital Markets, Banking and Finance, Projects & Energy, Class Actions, TMT: technology, International and Cross Border Capabilities.
Chambers & Partners for 2021 also recognized 43 of Meitar’s partners as leading individuals in their practice area. Meitar is honored to lead all Israeli law firms once again with the highest number of individual rankings.

Legal 500
The international guide “The Legal 500” for 2021 ranked Meitar as a Top Tier firm in 15 key areas: Local Litigation, Arbitration and Class Actions, Banking and Finance, Capital Markets, Corporate, Commercial and M&A, IP (Transactions and Filing and Prosecution), Competition/Antitrust, Employment, Energy, Infrastructure, Hi-Tech & Start-Ups, Investment Funds and Venture Capital, Tax and White collar. The firm was also ranked in the Real Estate, Planning and Construction, Healthcare and Life Sciences, Telecom and Media and Transportation practice areas. In addition, seventeen of the firm’s partners were ranked personally in their practice areas.

IFLR 1000
In the IFLR1000 2021 edition Meitar was ranked in all 8 existing categories, in Tier 1 in 7 categories (more than any other Israeli law firm): Banking, Capital Markets, M&A, Project Finance, Project Development and Investment Funds.

Dun’s 100
Our firm is ranked by Dun’s 100 for the year 2021 as a leading law firm in 31 practice areas: Mergers & Acquisitions, High-Tech, Commercial Litigation, Class Actions, Real Estate, Project Finance & Infrastructure, International Trade, Banking and Finance, Venture Capital, Administrative Law, Taxation, Environmental Law, Capital Market, Intellectual Property, Media, Investment Funds, Labor Law, and more.
These rankings once again confirm our status as the leading law firm in Israel.

In the 2020 BDI Code guide, our firm was ranked in 34 categories, and in over 25, received ‘elite’ ranking, while all the others received tier 1 ranking.

GCR 100
The GCR 100 is a guide to the world’s leading competition law and economics practices, and provides readers with extensive qualitative analysis of antitrust groups in jurisdictions around the world. Our firm is ranked by The GCR 100 as a leading firm in this practice area.
To review the results, click here.

The WTR 1000 research directory focuses exclusively on trademark practices and practitioners and serves as the ‘go-to’ resource for those seeking legal trademark expertise. Our firm is ranked in the guide’s prosecution and strategy category.
To review the results, click here.

IP Stars
IP STARS is the leading specialist guide to IP firms and practitioners worldwide. Our firm is ranked in both the patent and trademark categories.
To review the results, click here.

IAM Patent 1000
IAM Patent 1000 is a market-leading guide that identifies and profiles leading private practice patent professionals and firms in the world’s key jurisdictions. Our firm is ranked in the guide’s IP litigation category.
To review the results, click here.