Dr. Nachshon Shohat Partner

Contact Information
16 Abba Hillel Silver Rd.Ramat Gan 5250608, Israel
Tel: 972 3 610 3190 Fax: 972 3 610 3111
Email: nachshons@meitar.com
Dr. Nachshon Shohat is a Partner in the firm’s Litigation Group.
Nachshon is an expert in Criminal Law and Procedure, White Collar Crime and Evidence Law, with a Ph.D on the Theory of Evidence Law from the University of Haifa.
Nachshon advises and represents individuals and corporations in cases involving white collar crimes and investigations, and with regard to administrative enforcement in various fields. Nachshon also handles cases involving requests for extraditions and international investigations.
With over 20 years of experience as a litigator, Nachshon has gained vast experience handling high profile and legally significant criminal cases in Israel, before the Supreme Court and other Legal instances.
Nachshon is a member of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Law Committee that advises to the Israeli Minister of Justice, headed by Supreme Court Justice Neal Hendel. He is co-chairman of both the Israel Bar Association’s “Criminal Law Forum” and the Legislative Committee (Criminal Law) and has been representing the Israeli Bar before the Knesset’s Constitution, Law and Justice Committee; Government or Parliamentary Committees; and other significant Legal Forums that deal with legislative reforms and revisions. Nachshon was also a member of the Israel Bar’s Central Ethics Committee (2004-2012) and has represented the Israel Bar as an amicus curiae in important cases related to the Attorney-Client privilege under Israeli Law.
Nachshon teaches courses and seminars on Criminal Law, Evidence Law, and White Collar Crimes at Tel Aviv University and at the College of Law and Business in Ramat Gan. He has also taught courses at the University of Haifa and is a guest lecturer with various legal professional forums and seminars, including seminars for Judges, Prosecutors and Police Investigators.

Selected additional publications
- Yaniv Waki and Nachshon Shohat “‘Beyond reasonable doubt’ and the Judge’s Moral Voice: A Proposal for a Rational-Emotional Decision-Making Model (‘Essays in Honor of Justice Elyakim Rubinstein 2021).
- Nachshon Shohat “Introduction” in D. Menashe The Epistemology of Evidence Law 11-41 (Guy Itzhak Sender Editor, 2020).