Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Investing in People.
Investing in the Community.

At Meitar, we are committed to our clients, our employees, and the highest professional standards. Equally important, and as an integral part of our identity and social responsibility, we see ourselves as committed to the community and our wider society. We view social involvement and impact on our community and society as a core value and a central, ongoing goal of the firm and its people.

Meitar is proud to lead social action at an uncompromisingly high standard, unparalleled among law firms in Israel, in three main areas of activity:

Providing Pro Bono Legal Services to underprivileged populations and organizations promoting important causes, as well as participating in shaping legislation in Israel on significant issues. These services enable access to the legal system for those with limited means, protect their rights, and promote top-priority social goals leading to real social change. We encourage our lawyers to provide pro bono legal services in areas close to their hearts.

Active Social Involvement and Volunteering by Firm Employees. The firm believes in volunteering as a way of life and encourages its employees to volunteer for the community, both within and outside the firm. The firm provides a volunteering platform that allows for personal volunteering, alongside participation in the firm’s organized volunteering activities.

Providing Financial Donations to Promote Social Goals– primarily education, empowerment and self-efficacy – through direct financial donations to causes that align with the firm’s values and through the awarding of scholarships. We place the recipients of our donations at the center and see them as key agents of change.

The firm’s activities in these various areas are dynamic and evolving, in line with the firm’s values and the changing needs of society. We invest significant management resources in these activities, which receive deep and broad recognition from the various partners in our social activities.

The firm’s achievements in all areas of activity have earned it numerous accolades, such as the Israel Bar Association’s Volunteer Award, the Duns 100 Award for Leading Firms in Pro Bono and Community Contribution, the highest Change Maker Award from the Helpi Association, the Social Partner Award from the Association for the Advancement of Education in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, and more. In general, we strive to set the bar and create the social standard for law firms in Israel.

Since 2021, we have published an annual report reviewing the firm’s social activities, including documentation of our employees in some of those special moments. You can review the reports and get an impression of the scope of our activities:

The firm operates a Social Responsibility Committee that coordinates the firm’s activities in this area. You can contact the committee to explore collaboration opportunities via email

Our social activities provide unique value and meaning not only to our community partners and beneficiaries of the firm’s social involvement but also to all the firm’s employees who take part in these activities.