Gilad Schiff Partner

Contact Information
16 Abba Hillel Silver Rd.Ramat Gan 5250608, Israel
Tel: 972 3 610 3998 Fax: 972 3 610 3783
Gilad Schiff is a partner in the firm’s Litigation Group. Gilad specializes in civil and commercial litigation and appears regularly before courts of all instances, as well as in arbitration and mediation proceedings. Gilad handles large-scale class actions and represents Israeli and international clients in various complex commercial conflicts relating to corporate, commercial, banking, securities and administrative law. Gilad also specializes in the field of pharmaceutical law and represents a number of multinational pharmaceutical companies in matters involving product liability, regulation and class actions. In addition, Gilad represents multinational companies in major tax and transfer pricing disputes.
Before joining Meitar, Gilad served as a law clerk to the Honorable Supreme Court Justice Yonatan Adiel.

Representative Experience
- Representing multinational companies is major tax and transfer pricing disputes.
- Representing private companies in capital levy refunds claims.
- Representing a governmental company in a tax dispute.
- Representing a multinational company in stamp tax refund claim in the Supreme Court.
- Representation of Israeli and foreign taxpayers, including Israeli subsidiaries of multinational enterprises, in tax controversies and tax appeals in high value tax and transfer pricing disputes.
- Representing private companies in capital levy refunds claims.
- Representing a governmental company in a tax dispute.
- Representing a multinational company in stamp tax refund claim in the Supreme Court.
- Representation Israeli and foreign taxpayers, including Israeli subsidiaries of multinational enterprises, in tax controversies and tax appeals in high value tax and transfer pricing disputes.
- Defense of Merck Sharp & Dohme (Israel) in a class action concerning the drug Propecia.
- Defense of Merck & Co. in various pending actions in Israel concerning the pain relief drug Vioxx, including three class actions filed in this matter.
- Defense of GlaxoSmithKline in a class action concerning the drug Avandia.
- Defense of GlaxoSmithKline in a class action concerning the drug Eltroxin.
- Defense of Eli Lilly & Co in a class action concerning the drug Zyprexa.
- Representation of Bristol-Myers Squibb in the defense of arbitration proceedings in Switzerland with its Israeli distributor, and in connection with the registration of its medical preparations with the Israeli Ministry of Health.
- Defense of an accounting firm in a major class action claim asserting professional negligence.
- Defense of Landmark Group and its directors in a major securities class action.
- Defense of Intel Electronics and MW High tech Projects in a dispute with a subcontractor in connection with a construction matter.
- Representation of Oneal Construction of the Fishman Holdings Group in a claim against the Israel Land Administration and the Municipality of Tel Aviv in connection with damages caused to Oneal due to building delays in a residential project.
- Representation of Stopmarket, a chain of supermarkets, in a successful appeal to the Supreme Court to annul an injunction to close one of its facilities.
- Representing a private client in one of the largest tax litigations in Israel.

Selected additional publications
- Co-author (with Ron Peleg) of the Israeli chapter in:
“The International Comparative Legal Guide to Pharmaceutical Advertising 2009- A practical insight to cross-border Pharmaceutical Advertising work“. - Published by Global Legal Group, London.
“Product liability litigation in Israel and the United States“- Gilad Schiff and Alan G. Schwartz, partner at Wiggin and Dana, examine the differences in the legal process between Israel and the US in product liability cases.