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June / 2009

Exhaustion of Sick Leave Days Before Termination of Employment

Meitar’s Employment and Benefits Group, has published a Client Update regarding an amendment to the Sick Leave Payment Law, according to which a termination of employment may come into effect only after the employee has exhausted his accrued sick days.

According to the commentaries to the amendment, the employer is still entitled to conduct the hearing procedure and to set a date for termination, as long as the date falls after the employee has exhausted his accrued sick days.
The limitation regarding the date of termination shall not apply if notice of the termination and the date of such termination were given to the employee prior to his sickness or if the employer is no longer in existence.

The full update (in Hebrew) is available through the PDF icon.

Employment and BenefitsEmployment and Benefits
May / 2009

Cooperation between Institutional Investors in the Resolution of Payment Conditions of Debentures.

The Antitrust Authority amended its position regarding cooperation between institutional investors in connection with restructuring negotiations with bond issuers. The newsletter reviews in Hebrew the several changes that took place in the Antitrust Authority’s position and the current legal situation.

The amendment of the Antitrust Authority’s position follow previously published guidelines, concerning the terms under which institutional investors may cooperate in order to renegotiate the terms of corporate bonds, without having to receive an exemption for this cooperation from the Antitrust Authority. According to the amendment, the Antitrust Authority will allow institutional investors to cooperate in this matter either under the terms articulated in the previously published guidelines or according to customary antitrust laws. The newsletter explains the required terms under customary antitrust law.

The full update (in Hebrew) is available through the PDF icon.

Antitrust / Competition LawAntitrust / Competition Law
January / 2009

Mergers & Acquisitions 2009

Meitar partners are authors of the Israeli chapter on Mergers & Acquisitions included in The 2009 International Comparative Legal Guide

Partners Dan Geva and Mike Rimon, contributed the Israeli chapter in “The International Comparative Legal Guide to Mergers & Acquisitions 2009 – A practical insight to cross-border Mergers & Acquisitions”, published by Global Legal Group, London – The Israeli chapter describes various aspects relating to mergers & acquisitions under Israeli law, including the ways to consummate such transactions, the parties involved, the duties of the board of directors, the approval process, timing matters and the regulatory environment.

The full update is available through the PDF icon.

Corporate and SecuritiesCorporate and Securities
January / 2009

Public Procurement 2009

Meitar attorneys are authors of the Israeli chapter in “The International Comparative Legal Guide to Public Procurement 2009”

Alon Gellert and Giora Ungar contributed the Israeli chapter in “The International Comparative Legal Guide to Public Procurement 2009- A practical insight to cross-border Public Procurement”, published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London.

The full update is available through the PDF icon.

Regulation and Public PolicyRegulation and Public Policy
January / 2009

Litigation and Dispute Resolution 2009

Meitar partners contributed a chapter to “The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Litigation and Dispute Resolution 2009″

Dr. Israel (Reli) Lehem, head of Meitar’s Dispute Resolution and Litigation Group, and Ron Peleg, partner in the litigation group, contributed the Israeli chapter in “The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Litigation and Dispute Resolution 2009, A practical insight to cross-border litigation and dispute resolution”. Published by Global Legal Group, London.

The full update is available through the PDF icon.

Dispute ResolutionDispute Resolution
November / 2008

Israeli Anti-Spam Law

Meitar Information Technology Client Update on new broad-reaching Israeli Anti-Spam Law.

David Mirchin has published a client update on the new Israeli Anti-Spam Law, which becomes effective December 1, 2008. According to the law, entities will only be able to send commercial email, faxes or SMS, or use automated phone calling, if they obtain explicit, written, advance approval from the recipient. Violations are punishable by stiff fines, and officers of a company, as well as those responsible for the marketing or advertising operations, are personally liable for violations of the law.

The full update is available through the PDF icon.

Technology and Intellectual PropertyTechnology and Intellectual Property
September / 1996

“The Shrinkwrap License Wins Its Day in Court and Plays a New Symphony:” “Wrap-CD Anew,”

In this article, originally published in the Boston Business Journal, in September 1996, David Mirchin, then Vice President & General Counsel of SilverPlatter Information, analyzes the landmark 7th Circuit case, ProCD v. Zeidenberg, which was the first important case to hold that shrinkwrap licenses were enforceable.
The full update is available through the PDF icon.
Technology and Intellectual PropertyTechnology and Intellectual Property