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September / 2010

Israel Internet and New Media Update: 2009 Year in Review

In this annual update from Meitar’s Technology and Intellectual Property Group, David Mirchin, head of the practice group, presents what he considers to be five of the most important developments during 2009 in Israeli law impacting e-commerce and technology companies.
The five topics are:

  • The Premier League Loses Big: Streaming of Sport Events is a “Fair Use”
  • The Score is Tied at 2-2: Initial Judicial Decisions under the new Israeli Spam Law
  • Proposed Electronic Commerce Law Withdrawn
  • Courts Regulating ISP Liability in Light of Failure to Enact Electronic Commerce Law
  • Liability of Cell Phone Companies for Third Party Content

The full update is available through the PDF icon.

Technology and Intellectual PropertyTechnology and Intellectual Property
July / 2010

Determining the time of discontinuation or commencement of an Israeli resident’s residency status

The full update (in Hebrew) is available through the PDF icon.

June / 2010

Applications for dismissal and harming in the scope of the position and income under the Employment

The full update (in Hebrew) is available through the PDF icon.

Employment and BenefitsEmployment and Benefits
April / 2010

Employment of Women Law (Amendment 46) – 2010

The full update (in Hebrew) is available through the PDF icon.

Employment and BenefitsEmployment and Benefits
March / 2010

The Right Way to Revise Your Site’s Terms of Use

For the first time ever, the Israeli Database Registrar imposed an administrative fine (in the amount of NIS 177,000) on a company for its use of a database in violation of the Israeli Privacy Law.
In this Privacy Law Update David Mirchin explains the violation in this case, and reminds clients of what to do so that they don’t end up in the same predicament as this company.

The full update is available through the PDF icon.

Technology and Intellectual PropertyTechnology and Intellectual Property
February / 2010

Employment of Women Law (Amendment 45) – 2010

The full update (in Hebrew) is available through the PDF icon.

Employment and BenefitsEmployment and Benefits
January / 2010

Acknowledgment of Independent Contractor as an Employee

Meitar’s Employment and Benefits Group, has published a Client Update analyzing a recent case heard in the Israeli National Labor Court, regarding an independent contractor’s right to social benefits as an employee.

In order to prevent claims by independent contractors to receive social benefits as an employee, employers had included a section in their agreements with the independent contractor, according to which, if the independent contractor were to be deemed an employee the amounts paid to him shall be reduced accordingly by the amount of those social benefits granted to an employee. The Israeli National Labor Court has now ruled that this section is only one parameter and will not necessarily indicate the type of relationship between the parties.

The full update (in Hebrew) is available through the PDF icon.

Employment and BenefitsEmployment and Benefits