Moriel Shraga Associate

Contact Information
16 Abba Hillel Silver Rd.Ramat Gan 5250608, Israel
Tel: 972 3 610 3989 Fax: 972 3 610 3111
Moriel Shraga is an associate in the firm’s Labor Law Group.
Moriel advises clients on a variety of issues related to labor relations, including issues related to the editing of employment agreements, consulting agreements and service agreements, as well as regarding the rights and working conditions of employees. Moriel represents clients in proceedings vis-à-vis various regulatory bodies, arbitration proceedings, mediation and termination of transactions, as well as representation of clients in various transactions, including mergers and acquisitions.
Prior to joining Meitar, Moriel was an editorial member of the “Hamishpat” magazine and also of a book on the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Yoram Danziger. In addition, Muriel serves as a teaching assistant at the Law School in the College of Management.