מרכז המדיה

עדכוני לקוחות ופרסומים

עסקאות ותיקים חדשים


אוגוסט / 2009

Liability for User Generated Content 2009

David Mirchin has published a Client Update which analyzes a recent case in the United States on website liability, including a brief comparison to Israeli and EU law, and some suggestions how you can avoid liability.

It used to be that websites had complete immunity in the United States from claims that content posted by third party users was defamatory. In Barnes v. Yahoo!, an important recent case in the 9th Circuit, however, the court held that Yahoo! could be liable for defamatory content posted by a user which they promised to take down, but did not.

The full update is available through the PDF icon.

קניין רוחני וטכנולוגיהקניין רוחני וטכנולוגיה
יולי / 2009

International Arbitration 2009

Meitar partners contribute chapter to “The International Comparative Legal Guide to: International Arbitration 2009″

Dr. Israel (Reli) Leshem, head of Meitar’s Dispute Resolution and Litigation Group, and Ron Peleg, partner in the litigation group, contributed the Israeli chapter in “The International Comparative Legal Guide to: International Arbitration 2009″, A practical insight to cross-border International Arbitration work”. Published by Global Legal Group, London. http://www.iclg.co.uk

The full update is available through the PDF icon.

ליטיגציה ויישוב סכסוכיםליטיגציה ויישוב סכסוכים
יוני / 2009

מיצוי ימי מחלה טרם מועד סיום יחסי עובד-מעביד

העדכון המלא זמין לקריאה באמצעות לחיצה על אייקון ה- PDF.

דיני עבודהדיני עבודה
יוני / 2009

Pharmaceutical Advertising 2009

Meitar attorneys are authors of the Israeli chapter in “The International Comparative Legal Guide to Pharmaceutical Advertising 2009”

Ron Peleg, a partner in the litigation department, and Gilad Schiff contributed the Israeli chapter in “The International Comparative Legal Guide to Pharmaceutical Advertising 2009- A practical insight to cross-border Pharmaceutical Advertising work” published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London. http://www.iclg.co.uk

The full update is available through the PDF icon.

רגולציה ומשפט מנהלירגולציה ומשפט מנהלי
מאי / 2009

שיתופי פעולה בין משקיעים מוסדיים בהסדרת פירעון אגרות חוב

העדכון המלא זמין לקריאה באמצעות לחיצה על אייקון ה- PDF.

הגבלים עסקיים ודיני תחרותהגבלים עסקיים ודיני תחרות
ינואר / 2009

Mergers & Acquisitions 2009

Meitar partners are authors of the Israeli chapter on Mergers & Acquisitions included in The 2009 International Comparative Legal Guide

Partners Dan Geva and Mike Rimon, contributed the Israeli chapter in “The International Comparative Legal Guide to Mergers & Acquisitions 2009 – A practical insight to cross-border Mergers & Acquisitions”, published by Global Legal Group, London – www.iclg.co.uk. The Israeli chapter describes various aspects relating to mergers & acquisitions under Israeli law, including the ways to consummate such transactions, the parties involved, the duties of the board of directors, the approval process, timing matters and the regulatory environment.

The full update is available through the PDF icon.

מיזוגים ורכישותמיזוגים ורכישות
ינואר / 2009

Public Procurement 2009

Meitar attorneys are authors of the Israeli chapter in “The International Comparative Legal Guide to Public Procurement 2009”

Alon Gellert and Giora Ungar contributed the Israeli chapter in “The International Comparative Legal Guide to Public Procurement 2009- A practical insight to cross-border Public Procurement”, published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London. www.iclg.co.uk

The full update is available through the PDF icon.

רגולציה ומשפט מנהלירגולציה ומשפט מנהלי