מרכז המדיה

עדכוני לקוחות ופרסומים

עסקאות ותיקים חדשים


אוגוסט / 2011

Regulatory regime for acquiring petroleum rights in Israel

Meitar partner and head of Energy and Infrastructure Group, Renelle Joffe contributed a chapter to The ILO (International Law Office) online news magazine. The chapter is an overview of the Regulatory regime for acquiring petroleum rights in Israel.

Since the discovery of the Tamar natural gas field offshore Israel in 2009, there has been a significant increase in the number of transactions connected to the acquisition of interests in petroleum rights in Israel. The bulk of these acquisitions have been carried out not by acquiring new licences, but instead by farming into existing ones – whether directly by acquiring working interests in existing licences or indirectly by acquiring equity or other interests in the licence holders. Israel is a small country and therefore most of the relevant areas, especially offshore, have already been licensed out.

The full update is available through the PDF icon.

מאי / 2011

Israeli Privacy Update: Landmark Case Establishes Guidelines for Monitoring Employee Online Activity

Typically, Israeli employers do not have an “email use” policy for their employees. If they do have a policy, it usually grants them wide-ranging powers to monitor and review their employees’ internet usage and email correspondence.
According to a recent major decision by the Israeli National Labor Court, however, this situation is likely to dramatically change. Generic, sweeping or vague internet use policies of employers will no longer be allowed. In this Privacy Update, David Mirchin reviews the court’s decision and the new guidelines for monitoring and examining the content of employee email and online activity.

The full update is available through the PDF icon.

קניין רוחני וטכנולוגיהקניין רוחני וטכנולוגיה
מרץ / 2011

תיקון מספר 16 לחוק החברות (ייעול הממשל התאגידי), התשע”א – 2011

העדכון המלא זמין לקריאה באמצעות לחיצה על אייקון ה- PDF.

מיזוגים ורכישותמיזוגים ורכישות
מרץ / 2011

עדכוני חקיקה והוראת ביצוע חדשה בדיני מיסוי מקרקעין

העדכון המלא זמין לקריאה באמצעות לחיצה על אייקון ה- PDF.

דיני מיסיםדיני מיסים
ינואר / 2011

תיקונים מרכזיים בדיני המס בעקבות כניסתו לתוקף של חוק המדיניות הכלכלית לשנים 2011 ו-2012

העדכון המלא זמין לקריאה באמצעות לחיצה על אייקון ה- PDF.

דיני מיסיםדיני מיסים
ינואר / 2011

Overview of Israel’s energy and natural resources market – legal framework

Meitar partner and head of Energy and Infrastructure Group, Renelle Joffe contributed a chapter to The ILO (International Law Office) online news magazine. The chapter is an overview of the legal framework applicable to Israel’s energy & natural resources. This is the first article contributed by Israel in the energy and natural resources section of the ILO.

Israel has an installed electricity capacity of 12,000 megawatts, which is based almost exclusively on fossil fuels. Until the discovery of natural gas offshore, all fuels were imported. The introduction of natural gas into Israel’s fuel basket is dramatically changing the energy landscape, allowing for the introduction of independent power producers (IPPs) and modernisation of the market. Renewable energy is also slowly penetrating the market, predominantly in the photovoltaic sector.

The full update is available through the PDF icon.

ינואר / 2011

Public Procurement 2011

Meitar attorneys are authors of the Israeli chapter in “The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Public Procurement 2011”

Alon Gellert and Giora Ungar contributed the Israeli chapter in “The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Public Procurement 2011- A practical cross-border insight into public procurement”, published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London. www.iclg.co.uk

The full update is available through the PDF icon.

רגולציה ומשפט מנהלירגולציה ומשפט מנהלי