Arbitration Rules

Arbitration Rules

The Center offers arbitration procedures through two distinct pathways:

  1. Expedited Arbitration – This option concludes the proceedings within 3 months and includes up to 3 witnesses and one day of hearings.
  2. Accelerated Arbitration – This option finalizes the proceedings within 6 months and encompasses preliminary procedures, up to 5 witnesses, and 3 days of hearings.

How is it done? (The table refers to Instant Arbitration Service)

01 02 03 04 05 06
Initial Consultation and Filing (up to 7 days) Inaugural Meeting
(up to one hour)
Submission of Statements
(up to a month)
Presentation of Evidence and Affidavits
(up to a month)
Evidentiary Hearings
(one day, up to 8 hours)
 Issuance of Arbitration resolution
(7-14 days)
  • Contact the arbitration center
  • Signage of an arbitration agreement
  • Acknowledgment of case receipt and assignment of an arbitrator
  • Defining procedure outline
  • Establishing precise timelines


  • Filing of claims
  • Submission of defense statements
  • Optional response to defense
  • All documentation, including relevant proofs and affidavits, to be submitted
  • Submission of primary witness affidavits (up to 3 witnesses per party)
  • Disclosure of pertinent documents
  • Cross-examinations
  • Oral arguments
  • Reception of a concise and rationale arbitration verdict

The arbitration process is conducted according to clear and predetermined rules in accordance with the regulations and the agreement.

For a review of the arbitration regulations (Hebrew), click here.
To review the arbitration agreement that the parties will sign before entering the process (Hebrew), click here.