Yael Nardi Director at Meitar NY Inc.

Contact Information
Meitar NY Inc.7 World Trade Center, 250 Greenwich St., 10th Floor
New York, NY 10007
Tel: 1 (646) 530 0868
Email: ynardi@meitar.com
Yael Nardi is a Director at Meitar NY Inc.
Yael’s practice focuses on different aspects relating to corporate matters, commercial law and securities law. In addition, Yael specializes in a wide range of international transactions and engagements, focusing on venture capital financing and mergers and acquisitions, as well as drafting and negotiating cross-border commercial agreements (including in the field of intellectual property licensing, distribution, and various services agreements), company formation, and general corporate counseling.
Yael represents Israeli and international high-tech and technology companies across a wide range of industries, including software, cyber security, internet, media and telecommunications, as well as venture capital and private equity funds.